Good gaming laptop up to 800 euro?

- in HP

Do you have any suggestions? It should be a Christmas present for my cousin. I say with a graphics card better than gtx 1050 (ti). He has a junk laptop that cost only 500 euro 4 years ago from HP… I don't even know how he plays on it. It would be a violent upgrade for him ^^ If you think that you don't get anything good for 800, then also suggestions up to 1500 euro. He only plays games like League of Legends and CS: GO…


Please Please, no gaming laptop, such a thing is unnecessary. If only CS: GO and League, every Billo laptop is enough. Do you really want to gamble? Get a PC


Geez yes university of course you usually need a laptop. But then every Billo laptop does it and these laptops also do CS: GO and League because they run on every toaster. A gaming laptop is a shot in the knee


No he is not. There are thousands of reasons why many people choose a gaming laptop. A 'billo laptop' is not always enough for the university… And many do not have the money for both… It's not that difficult to understand now, is it? And I also like to play games other than CS: GO or other old games on my laptop. Can't afford an extra PC.



No I'm not watching any youtube video now?


Well, that was my last word. Don't want to hear it? Then it's probably over




Think carefully about using a laptop to play games etc. Constantly improve and acquaintances always better performance a laptop is much more expensive than a PC with the same components and you can replace parts with a PC… Alternative is a PS4 XBox etc. Week you can just take it with you


Since people prefer to give their unwanted mustard here instead of writing a helpful answer, I make 2 suggestions at 800 euro, there's not much, but something is currently


my recommendation

that part can represent any current game


Some people need a leptop and if they are looking for one they should have one and consoles not everyone wants to play at 30 FPS with a controller.

and you always have to have a TV with you.

he will already know why he wants a notebook


Right the questioner will have a reason why he is looking for a notebook


I also have a console when I'm on the job ne console with tv or PC with monitor everything clear. Otherwise Idden, by the way, he only plays something like how should he play something else if the leptop can't. Once he has a strong leptop, something else is quickly gambled on