My laptop no longer recognizes my printer, why?

- in Lenovo

I have a Brother printer and scanner: MFC-6490CW

Up until a week ago, I was still able to print from my laptop without any problems.
Then unfortunately there was a Windows update and since then I can no longer print.

I strongly suspect that it is because of the update that it is no longer possible.

But I can still scan with it, that works, but no longer print. So the cable or the USB port is not defective.

Because then scanning wouldn't work either, would it?!

I also uninstalled and reinstalled the driver. But that didn't help either.

My laptop can no longer find the printer.

But now I also have two laptops.
Both have Windows 10 and both got this update last week.

Now it is so, the Lenovo - ThinkPad laptop no longer recognizes my printer.

The Acer laptop does! I can still print from my Acer laptop, it will still recognize the Brother printer.

Only the Lenovo ThinkPad laptop no longer recognizes my printer.

This is despite the fact that both have Windwos 10 and both received this Windows update last week.

Why is it that one laptop recognizes the printer but the other does not?

Could someone please help me here?

Oh yes in the device manager of the Lenovo laptop the printer appears. So the Lenovo laptop somehow recognizes the printer, but somehow it doesn't recognize it.

Otherwise it would appear under Devices and Printers, right? Searching doesn't help because he can't find it.


Yes, MS rolled out a little problem again

Uninstalling the update and first setting the update pause or trying to reinstall and reinstall the printer, maybe that will help too


The latest Windows update has many bugs. I would wait a few days.


Thank you for your answer!
Maybe a stupid question, but how / where can I uninstall an update?

I have never done that.



Update and security
Show update history
and above there's a blue entry / link called "Uninstall updates"


Super found it, thanks!


Very well it worked! Now everything works perfectly again!


You should make your printer the primary printer.

You can do this in the printer and scanner settings


I'm glad