Intel i3 or i7?

- in Lenovo


I'm looking for a cheap laptop for the school and I've already made sense on the Internet, which would be suitable for me. On the one hand there's a promising offer on Aliexpress, but I have also seen one at Lenovo.

Both laptops are quite similar, but have different processors, and I need your help in making that choice!

What would you say? Lenovo with the i3 or the Aliexpress with the i7 (Attention, since the i3 and i7 actually have a similar performance)

Here are the links:


Zeuslap (Aliexpress)


I would put here on the brand product and take the laptop from Lenovo. For gambling both laptops are hardly usable anyway, since both have only lame Intel HD chip in it. For office and multimedia, however, both are enough.


Difference i3, i5, i7 and i9
Intel processors are named after a very specific scheme.

Example: Intel Core i5 - 6500 T or Intel Core i7 - 7700 K

i3, i5, i7 and i9 are the respective performance levels of the Intel processors. An Intel Core i3 is the cheapest, but also delivers the lowest performance. An i9 is the most expensive, but has the biggest performance. The i5 is both mediocre in terms of performance and price. The i7 processors were then the most powerful Intel processors, but have now been surpassed by the i9. The larger the digit after the "i", the more cores and the larger the L3 cache of the processor (usually).

But that alone is not enough to estimate and compare the performance of a processor, the long numbers behind it are still missing.


But good, again. Because only I3 processor is sufficient for school, since i7 is significantly more expensive. So Lenovo is perfect.


The i3 and the i7 are fundamentally different from the performance. There are different performance levels at Intel. For example: i3; i5; i7 and i9. The i3 is the cheapest, but delivers the lowest performance, while the i7 is quite expensive but has a good performance. But out of feeling I would put on the Lenovo, because 1. Lenove is first and foremost better than Aliexpress and also it does not need an i7 for a school laptop.

In addition, I doubt strongly that you get a "gaming laptop" with 1 TB SSD and 8gb Ram from 249 USD. In addition, Ali Express from China and co. If you are unlucky YOU can then pick the thing up at the customs for a hefty sum.

I recommend this laptop for school:

or if it may cost a little more:

I use the first laptop myself and am totally thrilled. He has been faithfully serving me for more than two years.


The i7, however, is 4 generations older than the i3 in this case, I think that's what the questioner wanted out. The give probably not really much.


I'm not sure. I'm 100% sure that the $ 259 is not an i7 in it.


Nen i7 4th Generation gets thrown after you today. Is probably old stock you want to get rid of somehow.


Unlikely at a promised 1tb SSD