How can I save my laptop?

- in Macbook

I dumped half a glass of water on my laptop (Macbook) an hour ago. I switched it off immediately, pulled out all the plugs and of course removed the water.

I waited half an hour and turned it on again (out of sheer stupidity) because it looked dry.

He didn't respond at all. I don't know what that means but I think my stupid action on the laptop caused a short circuit (?)

Now my plan is to wait two days and then try again.
I just wonder if my action makes the wait completely unnecessary because the laptop is already damaged anyway.
I will write my online exams in two weeks and I definitely need a laptop, so I have to act quickly.

Do you advise me to wait the 2 days or, since I have already switched on the laptop, to go straight to the repair to see if I can save anything? (In the worst case, I just have to buy a new one.)


Put your laptop in rice and wait 24h, then the moisture should have escaped…


Open the laptop and dry it. Then you look at the board and check everything.


It's not really safe.


Often there are siliciagel packets in the packaging. I have had bad experiences with rice, as it may soften and then often make it worse. It depends on the amount of water.


So rather no rice?


You can only be 100% sure if you dissassemble the Macbook and dry the parts and check them manually. Repair service is a waste of money and buy new well, if you have the money loose you can make it.


Well before I buy a new one I want to try all other ways. I don't have enough money but I have to write the exams. How long would you wait


Not at all. Open it up and see what's going on.