Tips for buying a laptop. Which laptop / notebook should I buy best?


Hi, I really want to get a laptop but unfortunately I do not know my way around. I would like to be able to work with the laptop as normal for the university, watch Netflix, play games and also edit things well (pictures, videos etc.) without it crashes or is too slow. And I want to be able to watch DVDs as well.

I would be very happy to your recommendations.

Or just tips on what to look for when buying the best.


This can be the cheapest model in the electrical business.

Rendering videos, etc. But not, I would not recommend you a laptop.


Okay thank you.

What could you then edit me for videos, etc. Recommend?


There's probably even enough here:


If you want to work normally with it - any 08/15 laptop can.

If it then goes to video editing, it should probably be at least an i5 processor, if possible with 16 GB of memory and an SSD.

Then I can recommend you: Look at Asus, there you are with about 600 euro and video rendering can synonymous. My daughter got one 8 weeks ago and can edit videos quickly.

However, if you want to take the IN to the university, a 13 "would be the right thing, then edit videos with a 17" - probably. Then as a hybrid solution a 15er not too heavy and you can still see something…

Value the size for yourself. And RAM can be easily retrofitted…

Picture / Video Editing - I would recommend MAGIX VIDEO DE LUXE 2016 if I were a beginner. The full version is available at Pearl under 20 euro.


The first is probably scrap and grotty slowly.