Trying to access my accounts - change email?


Last year someone tried to access my accounts (Steam, Riot Games, EA. Etc.) whereupon I switched to another email. The old email was then hacked. Now it starts slowly again and you try to access these accounts again. I feel like my email is about to be hacked again? Could the cause be due to any account? Or rather on my laptop? (When scanning through, however, nothing was found and with 'have i been pwned' everything looks fine.)


The old email was then also hacked

An e-mail is not hacked, at best an e-mail account. If it was hacked, the password was probably too weak. With a sufficiently long and complex password, hacking should not be that easy.


That could be due to the laptop. If someone hacked it. And monitoring does. So your screen is watching. Then he can also see your passwords.

You said you did a virus scan. But the good hackers hide their files in pictures. And this does not find a virus protection program.

That means never press on pictures that you got by email, if you see a zip file enclosed. Because it can make you hacked.


This can't be said exactly, first of all there's the possibility that not every virus is detected by an antivirus program, on the other hand your data could have been compressed from a database that has not yet been recorded by HaveIbeenPawned, or your password is simply too weak, which is why it could be found out using relatively simple methods.

I recommend that you first change your password again, if such an incident occurs again you should format your hard drive and restart Windows.

I recommend a password with at least 12 characters, consisting of letters in upper and lower case, as well as numbers and special characters.

Here is an example: G #? D7 [T ^ y6N8I3oK

Such passwords can be easily generated on various pages on the Internet if you do not want to come up with something like that yourself.

On the other hand, you should use different passwords for different services, e.g. A different password for your e-mail account than for Steam and so on.