My screen (computer) activities visible to the server center?


I have 2 computers in the office that are connected to the in-house server room, so you can logically or could see what I'm doing.

I wanted to bring my own laptop to work in order to do something there in my free time, so I would have to use the Lanka El.

Could you see what I'm doing on the laptop, if so what can I do about it? I should be allowed to do that, only you don't have to watch what I'm doing there.


Thank you first.

It should say LAN cable.

On the server all data of the company are collected, mail traffic, orders, saved files of the employees etc. Security level is unknown to me, our 2 computer scientists do it.

In the office I have almost 2 mini boxes 20 * 20 approx, probably without HD, which are then connected to the server.

Coincidentally, there's a huge hub in my office (if you can include photos here, I can do that tomorrow) and a printer / scanner that is connected via LAN cable.