Wlan amplifier for a smartphone or pad?


Hello there's Wlan amplifier that is well known, but a pad or smartphone unfortunately has no antennas input that's the problem!

I'm looking for a Wlan amplifier amplifies a Wlan signal for a cell phone or a pad, I get my newspapers and magazines online, I usually have to go around in a campsite and looking for a Wi-Fi signal, which is useful if a campsite Wi-Fi offers (often even against money) I almost can't use it because the signal is just too weak. But I do not feel like bringing a computer or laptop with me!

who knows a practicable solution?

By the way, it does not play a violin what a model one possesses all are the same bad at WLAN reception


Did I understand correctly that you want to make the WLAN (hotspot) on the phone and because the range would like to expand?


It does not help to amplify the reception power if there's a bad WLAN transmission signal there.

You would need to amplify the transmitter or attach a two-channel repeater in the middle of the Wi-Fi area or move closer to the transmitter for better reception.


Not correct!

I do not want to do a hotspot!


I can't do anything on the transmitter.

Also I can't change the location, I get a pitch assigned I can only choose the area where I would like to be!

There's the standard place without electricity

the comfort with water & sewage with electricity

the luxury place with water & waste water with electricity and Sat connection and telephone

then the super luxury place with water and sewage with electricity and satellite connection and telephone with gas supply and own shower with toilet with washroom

I'm in the comfort place part because Sat, Tel. Or own bath I need not have this in the WoMobil

The reception of Wi-Fi is included in the entire campsite, with the entry you get your own Wi-Fi key (code) Unfortunately, no installer can get the reception on the campsite, there are far too many radio holes or radio shadow available.

So I have to find a place where the Wi-Fi signal is strong enough that I can download at least my magazines, a video I can forget but unfortunately synonymous these YouTube clips


Well, go as close as possible to the router.

I suspect that there WLAN is heavily overloaded, because those with reception use it permanently and use the other reception without reception, which in turn disturbs the WLAN.

Only the operator can change this by appropriate expansion of the network. As a user on the receiver side you will not be helped by any kind of amplifier.