Laptop keeps restarting and stuck in update?

- in Lenovo
Laptop keeps restarting and stuck in update Laptop keeps restarting and stuck in update - 1 Laptop keeps restarting and stuck in update - 2

Hello my dears,

I guess a little mishap happened to me. I did a factory reset on my laptop and then restarted it. He then did an update and then the battery was empty and the laptop went off. I hung it on the charger and turned it on again. Since then it has been on, but then only shows the update for 2 seconds and then the screen goes black. He's not going out. But starts all over again, shows the logo, then the update and the screen goes off again. So I can't even begin to get in to change anything.

It is a Lenovo IdeaPad 320 15 "(2017). An American laptop with an English keyboard.

Does anyone have any idea what I can do now? (Note that I can't open a menu or anything)


Hi, I don't know if it will help you, but I was in the same Lenovo situation once and pressed the button for a long time. So really easy 30sec. Then it went out and I switched it on again after 10 minutes. Then the update was gone. If that doesn't work, I would just leave the laptop there overnight and wait. VG Lina
