I pad or laptops at school?


We're considering to buy new I pads at the school (1 suitcase = 15-20 pads)

And now it is considered whether it would be better to buy new laptops.

I need pros and cons arguments for and against I pads.


When it comes to longevity and price is definitely iPad

Of course, if you need special programs that only run on Windoof, you will not get around it.

Since there's almost everything for ios, I would definitely grab the iPAd, especially as it is just in large quantities much cheaper


Personally, I find pads better than laptops because they are more manageable. However, they are more likely to break down than laptops because they can easily fall over. Because laptops are usually on tables.


I would be interested only in the pure cost / benefit factor and required basic functionality here.

Tablets have the advantage of reduced accident severity and long battery life if they can be wirelessly operated and the necessary infrastructure for the network already exists.

Or does your computer room already have a basic structure equipped with desktop computers with reasonably laid Ethernet cable solutions at the workstations?