Is it worth buying a new computer for climate protection reasons?


I have an old computer that I sometimes use because the screen is bigger than the laptop. The computer is ten years old and also uses more electricity than the laptop. It is also very loud in operation.

Is it worth buying a new one to consume less electricity because of climate change?


You can't really appreciate that in relation to the computer. Usually, buying new and disposing of functioning devices is more energy-consuming than continuing to use them. I would buy a cable and connect the notebook to the monitor.


Why do you come to the conclusion that a 10 year old computer generally needs more power than a current one?

Clearly the new PCs have become more powerful and (if you leave out the very latest graphics cards) have not increased in terms of power consumption, but that only leads to the power consumption in relation to the computing power being reduced.

However, if you - and I'm assuming your question - hardly demand the performance of the computer and the computer works almost exclusively in IDLE mode, then little will change in terms of power consumption, even if you buy a new computer.

In general, the production and transport must also be included in the life cycle assessment of a device.

While 15 years ago it was still worth buying a new refrigerator or washing machine if you disposed of a 10-year-old machine, it is no longer worthwhile today. The machines have become more economical but not so much that the production and transport would compensate for the savings.

So if you don't need more computing power, you can continue to use the computer. If it should have a defect, you can always think about buying a new one (or buying a used office PC).


No, a new car is not worthwhile for the climate either. Nature is happy about every screw that was NOT produced


This milkmaid bill is nonsense, because it only takes into account electricity consumption when it comes to climate pollution.

Incidentally, I always find it fascinating that people are so concerned only about the climate but not at all about environmental protection in general.

The longer you use functioning (even old!) Electricity-driven devices, the more sustainable it is. It would be more important for the electricity provider to go to those who generate it from regenerative sources. Then your question vanishes one way or another.


I agree with the others, not buying a new one is the most sustainable. Basically, the longer a device is used, the more sustainable it is. And if it should be a new one: Refurbed and other companies offer used and refurbished laptops and the like. At.


I prefer nuclear power.