Access and operate with company laptop on private desktop PC?


First of all to the background of my request:

We got new laptops in the company, which we can no longer use privately. So no programs or other install more. For some months I like to make in my spare time a little on PC games and use it for you.a. Unity, Blender and Photoshop. I also like to do this after work in the office, because it is great in terms of time. Otherwise (on WE) I take the laptop home and use it there for further. So I did not need a second PC (private computer).

Here is the question:

Since I'm no longer around the second computer, I had considered buying a small desktop computer as a mini-PC. Small, so that I can quickly pack it up like my laptop to be able to use it as usual both on / after work and at home. Now the question is whether I can access and use the Mini-PC at least with my company laptop in regard to the o.g. Programs without it lags or jerks? I know there are programs like RemoteDesktop, Teamviewer, AnyDesk u.v.m. But none of those has convinced me on Youtube, as in all already moving a window tremendously jerky. I do not need to think about a liquid 3D application. Are there perhaps other ways to use "monitor, keyboard and mouse" from my company laptop as a service for the private PC? No matter in which connection, network or other wired or wireless connections. The task actually sounds damned simple, but seems to be relatively difficult. I have some knowledge in network technology. I do not want to buy a private laptop because otherwise I would always have to carry around two of these things. That's why I thought: It must be possible "simply" to connect the company computer with the private computer- And done!

Maybe someone of you can spark me a spark.



it depends largely on the Internet capacity at work and at home, google a bit remote desktop.


Unfortunately, I've been googleing for almost a week now. But without a satisfactory result.


How the connection to the remote is depends on the performance of the Internet…

Shortly to my situation: We have on work only streamed desktops (Citrix) over Windows server and that is from the thing already the premium variant of the screen transmission (500 Mbit / s).

We just have programs that you could also control via TeamViewer and that works too. But if a video starts, the whole situation almost hangs up and play the video with felt 10 FPS…

So no matter what program you should find… I do not think that your project will work on an Internet connection, we're not that far, at least not in Germany…

Other ways of image transfer I know support no support for input and output devices…


Thanks for the answer. The fact that I will have both computers always with me, I would be Internet independent. So I could connect directly via Ethernet or simple I / O options both computers connect directly.


And a switch? Where to switch the connections from 1 to 2?
I do not have any in mind, but that's the closest thing to me


Maybe it would be possible. But I have no idea right now.

Had already thought about the private PC to install an Esxi server, because this meanwhile durchroutet the GPU. And then install a VM with any X operating system. I just do not know 100 per whether it works or what it costs.


You should try it with TeamViewer 14: Whether it jerky depends 1) on the settings (high or low quality) and 2) how fast is the Internet in the office (download) and how quickly the Internet at home (upload) is.

With fast internet on both sides, Teamviewer runs buttery soft!

Remote Desktop is generally running rather slowly, at least for us even with very fast internet.


Since Ask your employer… I think your private computer to hang on the corporate network, will ever give trouble…

Then always drag a PC around… Get a notebook rather, they are just there to take with you.


Thanks for the answer. Unfortunately, the task is over.


So first thank you. I tried Teamviewer 14. With a cable connection and dial-up via IP in the same network (also tested direct connection with a fixed IP, but the same result), it is only slightly delayed. But I'm talking about milliseconds what is recognizable by the double mouse. 3D applications are more delayed, but still in the adequate range. So for gamers no option. But in less demanding applications the perfect solution.


For gamers it will always be insufficient, because you do not even need Remote Desktop try…