Battlefront II on Aspire E 15? (nvidia geforce 840m, intel cori i5 4210u cpu 1.70ghz with turboboost on 2.70ghz turbo)?

- in Acer

I would love to play Battlefront II, but I'm not sure if it will work on my laptop acer Aspire E 15. I do not have to be able to play the game with particularly good graphics, but even if it works just without stuttering.


At 720p with low to medium settings, I think it will work for around 50-60 FPS. But in real, it will not look pretty.


For me it was on an i7 with 840m, so should run with you too!

Just check it out on Youtube, you'll find a lot of gameplay with 'ner 840m, for example: