Where can you make old technology meaningful?

- in Acer

Specifically it concerns an old Toshiba laptop, a Pixma printer and an Acer laptop. These devices have all come to our family in recent months, and I survive how I can dispose of them in an environmentally friendly way. Through an internship I know that there's a workshop in a center for addicts, which disassembles such equipment and sorts the individual raw materials for reuse. This would be our first concern that the data is no longer used elsewhere also done. Since, however, especially the printer has only a software problem (copying instead of black and white in green to yellow shades), I'm sure a Tüfftler could possibly get it back. The support of the company was unfortunately no help.

Some time ago, I leave something called Green IT. It was about a company, the old laptops and printers refurbished and sold again, of course, at a lower price than the original but the models are also a bit older. Unfortunately, the company I found back then only had a limited number of brands that it accepted and resold. My question now is whether you know other such companies or websites reuse the old devices or come up with alternatives to disposal.


Just go to "electronic waste" and just put your place of residence behind it (more spaces separated). Then you can usually leave them there for disposal.

Alternatively, you can sometimes on ebay classifieds to give away, sell or otherwise adjust. With us you can even make a notice in the supermarket…


So frankly, I do not quite understand why you are worried that the devices will continue to be used. If you are concerned about the privacy, the removal of the hard disk is enough.

By the way, are you sure that in your addiction center not parts of the devices are also used again, that is, you look what you can do with it?

In any case, that is the case at the GWAB in Wetzlar. However, I would not necessarily count on it, that the printer also wirklch accept and not simply disassemble it. Is also a question of the mass.

Incidentally, I would either remove the disks and either destroy them, for example. Drill holes purely or even better, pack them in external enclosures and use them as external drives.


Here for laptops, mobile phones, tablets:


"The new disposal partner of Telefónica in Germany, the AfB non-profit GmbH (work for people with disabilities),"

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Here for laptops, mobile phones, tablets:


"Other alternatives to dispose of old cell phones

The mobile box donates 1 Euro per mobile phone to local environmental protection projects of the BUND: http://mobile-box.eu/

You can donate your old mobile phone for mountain gorillas, for example http://www.berggorilla.org/de/helfen/handys/ and https://www.prowildlife.de/aktion/handys-sammeln/

Caritas is supporting an aid project for former child soldiers in Congo with the action "Mobile phones in the bag": https://www.caritas.de/magazin/kampagne/globalenachbarn/mitmachen/aktionen/handys-in-die-tuete

The National Association for Bird Protection in Bavaria receives 2 per old cell phone: http://www.lbv.de/aktiv-werden/mitmachaktionen/handys-fuer-die-natur.html

In Vodafone shops, you can just hand in your old cell phone: https://www.vodafone.de/...cling.html

(The service "Electroreturn" of Deutsche Post has not existed since 2019). "


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Can be sent by mail or another parcel service

Further donations
Donations in kind - Since we have our own stand regularly at flea markets, we're grateful for donations in kind of any kind. Just call shortly before, bring over or we also like to pick up the things.

Metal Scrap / Electronic Scrap - As we like sustainability and recycling, we also like to accept scrap metal and electronic scrap. Just call shortly before, bring over or we also like to pick up the things.

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Life for Nature

Fischergasse 26

65468 Trebur

Google: Life for Nature Foundation

Ecosia,: Life for Nature Foundation