Asus zenbook does not work anymore, after a short circuit?

- in Asus

Have the following problem.

2 years ago, my laptop suddenly stopped working. Or it was on and when I came back it was off. It did not light up any more. Also not the LED light spots when I loaded it.

Since I still had warranty I went to Saturn and they have just ne new software played on it and then went back.fande me weird but well.

But my laptop is not working again and no LED dots are lit. This time it is believed ivh to my charging cable. As my charging cable was already a bit broken. The connection between the cable and the adapter was on (but I have not seen any cable break).

When I wanted to close the charging cable to my laptop, it suddenly went out.

It was then in a repair and they said that unfortunately you can't really see exactly what is broken and the repair would not be worthwhile, theoretically everything could be broken. Is it really not possible to control this quickly and accurately? I bought a new charger and does not work trz. And if the internal battery is connected to the laptop, that makes a pips sound. Can it be that probably only the battery is broken? But without a battery and only the charging cable, the laptop does not work either.

Want to ask if that somebody sometimes had and my laptop is still to save or I have to buy a new one. Have an Asus Zenbook UX501J.

Schonmal Thank you!


From a distance it is difficult to judge what it is.

go into a pc shop, which also repairs and let him check whether it is a defect, or whether a repair is worthwhile.


Does not sound good. Since there's no function with either a battery or a new power supply, your test options are almost exhausted. Only the possibility without battery only with NT is a variable.

Pips noises usually come from coils.

But as I said, that can be anything.

But that's not a bad notebook.