Intel gpu denied vsync from nvidia?


I wanted to activate vsync on the laptop for a long time but if I force it then it is ignored by the intel how can you allow the intel vsync that as soon as I plug in a 2 monitor then only the NVIDIA works on the 2 monitor and then vsync works I can't switch off the intel because many applications such as videos, games etc. No longer work on the main monitor, just like the blue filter and the brightness control what can you do without connecting an external monitor


Vsync is from Nvidia, your GPU or APU from Intel…

Do you see the mistake?


Yes, I know that vsync from nvidia is, but we can activate it despite the apu I want to use vsync, regardless of whether it is from nvidia or intel


You can only use Vsync on hardware from Nvidia. It's logical, they want to sell their own hardware


Then stop vertical sync no matter what that means, how can I do it without using the ingame option, activating the option to assign graphics processor does not work either


I repeat myself, you can ONLY use Vertical snyc vsync on Nvidia GPUs


And why does intel have a similar function that actually means the same thing