Laptop for high school just under 300 euro?


I'm 16 years young and now I'm in the 11th grade of a high school. My problem from the 11th class you get no bus ticket from the school and I live in the village, a monthly ticket costs about 60 euro and in addition still comes to school all the same laptop must buy. Since the 7th class they have all except just those who have come to new (like me) and the costs about 300 euro as I have noticed and you MUST have, even if you have a laptop at home it has the be exactly the same. We're 5 children and we're just around the laps. My question now, do you get the laptop and or the way to school, this 60 euro a month which in the long run is very expensive, or somehow of the state? I do not know so well what you get, how and where, so I would like to hear from you. If someone has a solution please write.


If ALL have the same, you might ask if you could not have a battered one from the last year! So buy from a high school graduate who just does not need exactly that!

However, the system changes every few years! So, for example, a calculator of the last AbiJahrgangs vllt would not be in the new 7. Deployable, but just probably still in the new 11!


You can apply for a bafög application


I did a test before online and there I was because I live with my parents no claim to (student) student loans at least came to the conclusion that I would have 0.00 euro claim Bafög a month


Yes I know, therefore hung (meant a pupil) numbers at the Secretariat of the last 13th Class who would sell but there are no more


Hmm, OK, there's probably something self-initiative required!

Not all of them will certainly have been sold by their lappi, but certainly not all will continue to use it! So if somebody needs one, it would certainly be one or the other think! So the question is how to get in touch with one or as many high school graduates as possible!

I would advise to ask somebody (eg the senior coordinator), if he could possibly send a roundmail to the year, or because they have no more SchulEmail, the last LK leaders ask an eMail to their old course on if they still have valid eMailAddys. The reached pupils could publish this eg also on a platform!

It would still be needed some cheap Lappis and they should contact the school!