Reset MSI GE72 MVR 7RG Apache Pro?


I have had problems with my Msi laptop for quite some time. I used to carelessly crash my PC due to a stuck game (Minecraft). The operating system was completely in the bucket afterwards (background image only red, all data gone) and I completely reinstalled Windows from a USB. In itself everything works again, only I sometimes see the taskbar in games (usually it folds away) and when I play and Discord is running in the background you sometimes don't hear me until I click the Discord tap again. That is extremely annoying. Can I fix the problem by resetting it, or am I just deleting all files? Do I have the MSI system apps like Dragoncenter, keyboard controls, drivers etc. Still when everything is reset? I don't have burn recovery.


Didn't you activate the full screen in the games?

And you can reinstall Discord in.


What does "carelessly crash your PC hard" mean?


Press and hold the on / off button


Discord is newly installed, unfortunately nothing has changed. Full screen in the games is activated