520 euro gaming laptop?

- in Gaming

Is there a laptop for around 520 euro that is suitable for everyday life (school, study, general work such as programming etc.), but also what can in terms of gaming?

Of course, that's relatively speaking, for 520 euro you can never get the really good goods, but I'm looking for something that is very good for the price region.


Good graphics card
Good processor
Lots of RAM (12 GB would be good, especially if the GPU and CPU are installed together)
SSD with at least 256 GB

Should be suitable for gaming (games like Minecraft with medium-sized mod packs and also can even play together with shaders, but in any case smoothly without mods with shaders (30 FPS at least))
Should be suitable for everyday and quick work
Not too hard
Display size: Between 14 "and 16"

Because of course that doesn't happen too often in the price region, I've been looking for a while, maybe you can help me with some tips and purchase suggestions.

Thanks for your help, don't rush to buy something


You won't find a laptop like this


What processors, graphics cards, RAM, SSD etc. Do you get in the region?