Kaufberatung Gamer Notebook?

- in Gaming

I mainly need a notebook to play. Unfortunately, my budget of 1200 euro is pretty close. I've picked out two models, where I'm interested which has the better inner life. What is important to me is that it is a 17 inch notebook. Here are two models



The Media Markt notebook, I think it's great that the display has 120 Hz, the cheaper of notebook unfortunately only 60Hz. However, the processor is better with the 1200 euro notebook as well as the RAM.

Would be glad about an answer from the expert.


Depends on what you want to play with it. So more RAM and a better processor tend to never go wrong. Also, if you play the first model with 500 GB of SSD memory, if you tend to play fewer games, but these more often, then the ssd definitely worthwhile. And if I have not looked wrong now is the grx 1060 of the first laptop equipped with 6GB and the 2nd Only with 2 I would recommend you the first! Even though I do not think much of gaming notebooks. I would rather take a homemade PC. But is your decision!


I would recommend you the first laptop. You can also play well with a 60Hz monitor. But what I always say is that a gaming PC is usually the better solution.


Would not want to buy such a part either at Media Markt or Saturn Hansa.

Just look at the models in the link:


Scroll down a bit, then come to the offers of the models.

The AMD Vega in the AMD Ryzen Mobile is far better to gamble than the Intel Integrated HD graphics. With the Nvidia on board solutions with Intel one has the disadvantage that there are 2 heat sources, the cooling solution is cumbersome and not infrequently can such a laptop overheat with longer operation, since most are not designed for 24/7 operation. The AMD Ryzen Mobile has only one heat source and the cooling solution can be made simpler and the models will be flatter.