Gaming laptop 450 euro?

- in Gaming

I need a new laptop and would like to play GTA Online a bit on the side. I primarily gamble on the PS4, but since a few of my colleagues gamble on the PC, I wanted to gamble at least a little on the laptop as well. It doesn't have to be the mega gaming experience now, but I just wanted to know if you can recommend a laptop between 400 euro and 500 euro, on which GTA Online starts at least once and also runs relatively smoothly?


There's no such thing and never will be.

A PC for 600 euro used to be referred to as a gaming PC, how is that supposed to work now and then as a laptop?


Better buy your own Krabbe (desktop PC) on Ebay classifieds and upgrade the part with a reasonably good graphics card. You are then fully within your budget.


Gaming laptops are one of mankind's greatest lies. A laptop will never be as powerful as a gaming PC unless the laptop costs twice as much.

And for 400-500 you won't get anything good in gaming anyway.


So if you don't want to gamble, I would give you a laptop with a ryzen 5 and an igpu Vega 8 or better that would be the best for the money. You can look at a few with the specs


A laptop will never have the performance of a gaming PC

I don't remember anyone saying that.

Why do you take a gaming PC as a benchmark here, that's perfect chess sense.


For 400 euro an AMD 5-series CPU?

And then also a 3070 on top, or how can you imagine that?


Gaming & laptop don't go together in your budget.
Put another 550 euro on it, then it starts slowly.

Especially for your needs.


I find it utter nonsense to ask for a gaming laptop because laptops are not at all suitable for gaming. Of course, it is difficult to compare a laptop with a PC because of its compactness, just as some compare a console with a PC.

But I just wanted to point out that the term "gaming laptop" is nonsense. Especially in the price range mentioned, since even in this price range a computer is not even suitable for gaming.


Why do you take a gaming PC as a benchmark here, that's perfect chess sense.

Because there's nothing else but comparison.
A console? Hardly likely. The PC is also better there.


A GPU in the processor there you can get to 60fps with medium settings


I find it utter nonsense to ask for a gaming laptop because laptops are not at all suitable for gaming.

Not correct.

There are enough laptops with, for example, an RTX 3070. Why shouldn't that be for gaming? Do you want to do office work on it at 600 FPS, or what?

I agree with the latter, gaming laptops currently start at around 1,200 euro…


Called itself APU…

Still not recommended, an APU is snot.


I think we can at least agree that you pay more for a good laptop than for an equally good PC.


Because there's nothing else but comparison.

A console? Hardly likely. The PC is also better there.

I also don't compare an Audi with a Lamborghini and am amazed that the Audi is slower…


That's clear anyway.


Depends on the Audi. And what the owner did under the hood.


So I don't know any Audi that drives faster than 350 km / h, with the exception of tuning.

But Audi is a great brand ^^


Okay, but there are more options for comparing cars. When it comes to gaming, all you really have is consoles and computers. And to completely exclude a comparison would also be disadvantageous, especially since the laptop is basically a compact PC.


Let's keep in mind that there are gaming laptops, but you have to pay above-average prices for them.


So that they are equally good towards PCs. Yes, but I would say a laptop is rather unsuitable for gaming, especially when it comes to space.

Since gaming components are already huge and work up a sweat without good ventilation, you can imagine how far they are given in a laptop.


I wouldn't say

You can gamble with a laptop just as well as with a PC, provided that it is good.


So would you say there's no difference between PC and laptop (out of budget)?


If they have the same specs, there's of course another difference, of course.

But this is not immense.


The Vega 8 holds 100 euro graphics cards with I think it's enough for a start


And what games can you play with it?


100 euro GPU's are currently unusable…


Fortnite medium settings 90 fps

GTA medium settings 60fps

Apex Legend medium settings 60fps


For a 100 euro GPU?

And I'm Santa Claus…


Why is a PC excluded? You didn't give this reason, for example.


The Vega 8 watch the tests on YouTube


Let's keep in mind that there are gaming laptops, but you have to pay above-average prices for them.


I will do.


Was i right?