Laptop constantly crashes, why?

Laptop constantly crashes, why Laptop constantly crashes, why - 1

This happens in continuous loop. Error code is shown.


There are 10000 answers.

The hardware could be broken, but also the Windows.

Try to boot a Linux live system.

Check the RAM with MEMTEST.

Of course you could take a picture of the code, decrypt it and ask for support.


Try first in unplug with electricity, etc. (Not while the percentage still increases but when it is off). And battery out so he can't boot again. Then you wait a few hours for it to cool down. Then you plug in battery and cable and turn it on.

If that does not work then write me a note.


Uh what?


You can take a picture of the symbol and send it to the support via SMS, if you wish?


Does not he / she then end up in the BIOS? Some lappies do not have a BIOS battery.


Haha I had the synonymous constantly, get out of a battery and turn it on solved problem, think I leave battery out