Programs keep crashing?


Hello ^^. I've only had my laptop since Christmas so it's still new, but the programs and the laptop itself keep crashing.

For example, Google crashes after a while, Medibang crashes, Krita crashes, actually every program I own crashes… So if a program crashes, my screen goes black and after a short time it says that the display driver could not be displayed. Then a box appears on my screen and lots of colorful lines.


How long has this been so? From the beginning or only recently? Because in the second case I would try to reset Windows to a restore point. Maybe that will solve the problem.


Sounds like a graphics card driver event. Try to implement nameless 801 hint.

Use a search engine. But you can still ask further questions here, you should not be able to manage.


That I'm anything but normal.

I suspect an error (or a weakness) in the hardware.

Try to analyze your computer - in terms of software and hardware - as described, starting from the following page:

If the guarantee period had not expired, I would return it (without spending a lot of time) with the argument that it is unusable. You have the right to get a usable device. The earlier you complain, the better.