Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 with 30 FPS?


I wanted to ask if it is tolerable to play the new Microsoft Flight Simulator with 30 FPS.

I know you haven't played it yet, but how was it with the other flight simulators? Is it still fun to play or are 30 FPS not enough for a flight simulator?

and a small question at the end: Do you think I can get the 60 FPS with the following components?:

Processor: Intel i7-9750h graphics card: Nvidia Geforce GTX 1650 mobile (have a laptop) RAM: 16 GB OS: Windows 10 Home (latest version) network: 50MB / s


Yes you could hit the 60 FPS


In the case of simulators with continuously moving images, 30 FPS (+ / -) on average could be quite annoying to annoying and tiring, if it also often comes to frequent stalls / jerks, and you spend a long time (hours) per session with this simulator in front of the screen.

In the case of construction and strategy ledges, scrolling is also possible with around 30 FPS, but the more real-time elements are available in the image section, the more annoying the stuttering and stagnation over time, even if they are still relatively low.

Unfortunately I can't tell you whether your hardware for this game with adapted details and resolution for 30+ to 40 FPS in the 99th. Percentile, then limited to 25 to 30 FPS would suffice for improved uniformity.