Nvidia Quadro P520 also for games?


I bought a Thinkpad to study with a Nvidia Quadro P520 I just need this Gradikkarte because we will do a lot with CAD.

Now to my question. Is it possible to play one or the other game on such a card?

For example, Lol, Rocket league, current games, etc.


2GB VRam are pretty little for gaming.

4 or 6 should already be.

But Rocket League is really no problem.


Can you. The result, however, is extremely modest.


Okey thanks!

What do you mean how good the card for CAD etc. Is?


Okey thanks!

What do you mean how good the card for CAD etc. Is?


Unfortunately, CAD is not exactly an area of which I have a clue. 🤣


So in gaming comparison it is clearly below an MX150.

For CAD, it's pretty neat but is severely limited by their 2GB VRAM. But the cards are also explicitly intended for other applications than just gaming.