Is ON Deutschland GmbH trustworthy?


I got mail from the employment office today for an office at On Deutschland GmbH in a branch at my place. ON Deutschland GmbH offers training and service to prepare for the MPU (Medical Physological Examination)

Now I'm puzzled whether I should apply for it for the following reasons:

- Except for empirical values on its own homepage, Google does not find anything about ON Deutschland GmbH.

- Homepage is classified as unsafe in the Apple Safari browser.

- Pinnacles are displayed on the homepage without a contact address.

- No Google entry of the branches of On Deutschland GmbH available.

- The pinnacle in my place is in a former bakery no sign outside, just a poster with the company logo and the courses in the shop window, which in turn looks as if it had been created within 2 hours using MS Word. Inside the shop window there are two tables, one with a laptop and household printer the other is empty. There are no opening hours in the branch of On Deuschland GmbH.

- I'm very involved in the village, that's why I know a lot of villagers. I asked once, but so far Nirmanden has never seen a person in the branch who would have completed a training course at the MPU and you can see well from the street through the shop window.

Now my question had any of you already done an MPU preparation at ON Deutschland GmbH or even worked for the company. If so, would you recommend me to apply for the position?

Incidentally, this is the homepage:


It does not help, an offer from the employment office must be taken, otherwise there's a lock of 3 months. You just have to come up with a trick. You have to go there and get a signature to be there. You can often cough vigorously during the conversation.