How can I convince my employer?


Soon we will upgrade about 40 laptops from Windows 7 to Windows 10

Due to the update, my AG would like to switch from HDD to SDD on all laptops (as mentioned above, because of the Win 10 upgrade and not for other reasons)

I just do not get why… I have Win 10 on a HDD from 2012 with 8 GB of RAM and it works without problems…

Since I'm the one who has to do the dirty work, I would like to drive out my employer to upgrade to SSDs. I know the advantages of an SSD over a HDD in principle. But at work we would have no extra profit, so I would like to save the work.

Or is there a good reason to upgrade to a Windows 10 upgrade to SSD?

Before you say: Ask your boss!

The problem is that he has no idea and only someone has put this flase in his head.


So I do not understand what you're talking about, but you talk about convincing people, and I can contribute to that.

The key is actually: Do not present your idea, but let others develop your idea. Your boss must come by itself, that the conversion makes no sense.

My suggestion: Ask him for support. You're in charge of the transition, but you'd have been interested to know what the financial bill is because you're not quite sure where the added value comes from… Sit down with him, talk to him on an equal footing, and advise him. And then let him come to the conclusion.

If it really is not worth it, he will find out on the way, without rejecting his own idea - because he himself is the one who realizes that something else makes more sense.


But. The hard drives (HDDs) in the 7s are probably already old (SMART values?) And may already lose data. In addition, the SSDs are faster: programs start more than 10x faster and the system in less than 1 minute. But if your boss really wants it, you should not drive it out. How to get home privately with a HDD from 2012 (how long does it take to boot?) It will run in both cases, but on SSDs mostly stable and future-proof.


I did not stop now but not more than 30 seconds.


Is this an SSHD? Can I know the model?




Well, the reason that speaks in favor of this is the reduced working time when booting up the laptops and the greater crash safety that is a good argument, especially with laptops. Why this is happening now with the transition to Windows10, Well, that needs, done together, only once to happen.

If the 40 devices are identical. Could you save a lot of work by first setting up just one, with everything that is the same at all, and then cloning that SSD to the other 39? Install the first one without entering a serial number, and then not make the first connection to the internet before you clone it. Then first connect to the Internet and he gets, since he was already activated via the hardware ID his serial number.

The same thing happens to the other 39.

I would convert the removed disks to external, so then each of the users could migrate their own files in the converted laptop.

If they are not completely identical, this is not work, because Woindows10 has a very good driver detection, and takes here necessary changes usually easily yourself.


Respect. This is a 7 year old notebook hard drive. The 2012er HDDs, which I have seen so far, all about 1.5 minutes to boot… Is the system immediately ready for use and runs really top? What other hardware do you use?


This is hardly worth the list here.

That was a cheap notebook at the time, because I simply did not need more private stuff. Professionally, things are different.

it's a lifebook from fujitsu AH552 / SL.

It's worth it as I said not here to enumerate the hardware. All standard.

that with the very fast boats, however, is true and that's a good thing. And yes, then everything is ready to use.


Ironically, I have a similar device: the Lifebook T-901. This is not significantly older, but needed much longer (with exactly the same plate!) To boot. The plate is OK.


Forgot to mention that the laptop manufacturers do the same, so to speak, a master installation, and pulled an image of it.

I have a SATA data and power cable out of the top of my PC. SSD connection, Acronis start and so an SSD is then provided under 5 minutes with OS and the main software. However, I did not have 40 computers yet, so my customers on the eastern Baltic coast are not that big. In the meantime, pick the hard disks from the computers.

In which time I had finished the 18 (was my largest portion), I prefer not to say, otherwise still wants a money back:-)