Convince parents of the laptop / MacBook?

- in Macbook

I've been homeschooling for a year since sixth grade and am now seventh (12 years old). Back when we started Teams, I used the first iPad Pro from 2017. I also have a used iPhone 7 from 2016. However, I use the iPad not only for online lessons, but also to write, as I will soon be publishing my first book, drawing on ProCreate, cutting videos and programming things. Every now and then, but rarely, I also play a little Minecraft on it.

However, the iPad keeps crashing and the keyboard no longer connects properly. As I said, it's from 2017 and I need it all the time. Most of the programs that I need for programming can't be installed on it here, I write with Pages, but I can't do a lot of things in the right format here and there are often many problems. The touchscreen doesn't really work anymore and I can only connect it to the first generation Apple Pencil and a Bluetooth mouse. That's why I wanted to get the MacBook Air 2020 now.

I've spoken to my parents several times as well, but they'll only accept this MacBook if I get better at school. I think my last report card had an average of 2.0 or something like that. But I just can't get better. I was bullied in first grade, fifth, and two months ago, so I'm very quiet in class. I always try to get in touch, but it just doesn't work. You have to say that I'm actually quite smart, read a lot, can quickly memorize things and usually write 1-2 without learning. Just not in English. My pronunciation is very helpful and one girl is laughing at me all the time. Sometimes I'm just seen as "the spoiled, rich princess", although I try to distance myself from it. I only wear sneakers, jeans and a hoodie / t-shirt that I feel comfortable in and no branded clothes. I also go cycling three times - five times a week (before Corona I also do vaulting, swimming, dancing)

Do you have any other options to convince my parents of a MacBook Air? Please don't say "you're still too young" and things like that. Even on teams during video conferences, several things often do not work because of the iPad. And it should be a MacBook, because everything at home is Apple and otherwise I could no longer write properly about Pages, synchronize it with everything, etc.

We could also afford a MacBook or I could buy it myself, since my parents' income is well above the average salary and we also live in a villa.


How about if you just wish it (maybe even ahead of time) for your birthday. I did it the same way, too. My parents paid part and I paid part and I've had the MacBook Pro 2020 since September


Or I can buy it myself

You can spend your pocket money what you want, can't you theoretically really buy it yourself? Well, sometimes you need parental confirmation in a shop when you buy something that expensive.

Otherwise just try so that you don't need this thing after you have improved, but rather to improve yourself, otherwise you will not be able to attend classes properly. 2.0 is actually not bad at all.


You can suggest to your parents that you pay off the laptop or Macbook, e.g. With birthday money, Christmas bonus or pocket money, or you do it in the form of housework. What helped me was, for example, that I did without the Easter present or that I got a better birthday present (my birthday was in May and Easter was usually 1 and 1 1/2 months before) when the playstation 3 came out back then, so I did Made without an Easter present I got a bigger birthday present, but you have to say that I come from a rather average family or that my parents only earned enough for the bare essentials and expensive gifts were usually associated with waivers and long savings.


Well, I won't be until October 13th, but thank you anyway🦋


My pronunciation is very helpful and one girl is laughing at me all the time. Sometimes I'm just seen as "the spoiled, rich princess", although I try to distance myself from it. I only wear sneakers, jeans and a hoodie / t-shirt that I feel comfortable in and no branded clothes. I also go cycling three times - five times a week (before Corona I also do vaulting, swimming, dancing)

And what exactly does that have to do with a Macbook? 😂😂

At your age, a 400 euro laptop is enough or, if it absolutely has to be Apple, an older / used or refurbished Macbook…