Automatic cable winder for laptop cables?


As you can see from the title, I'm looking for an automatic cable winder with a retract function. This would be for the desk, because I want to mount a charging cable under the table top, which can be pulled out as soon as the drawer on which the laptop is located is pulled out. So far I have only ever found those where you hook a cable arch into the reel. After several attempts, I gave up on this product and am therefore looking for a solution. If someone knows something, please let me know.


I'm assuming you are looking for something like the cable in the vacuum cleaner, but you will not find something I think. You can either store a power supply in a corresponding compartment, if available, or tinker an outlet there.

I would not recommend such a direct reel anyway, if you are unlucky it suddenly subsides while your laptop is hanging on the cable which can cause quite a bit of damage (right up to the exitus).


I'm looking for such a reel, but it would go away from the charger from the transformer.


Will probably not be found as I said, it is also not harmless because too much pull can damage the charging socket of the laptop (very quickly…).