Cut PowerPoint presentation with a webcam?


Hi. I have to prepare a PowerPoint presentation with audio and webcam for distance learning. Since my cam on the laptop is not so good, I would like to record the webcam file on my cell phone. Now the question is whether I can connect / cut this file with the PowerPoint recording. So I would say start the webcam on my mobile phone and at the same time cut the PowerPoint presentation on the laptop and only afterwards both files together. Now my question is whether this is feasible and if so, with which software.


I don't really understand your problem at all. I will not continue to try. Only one,
when you have finished your prepared presentation - with all animations, transitions, integrated audios and videos - can you save it in a video format - depending on the version of PowerPoint? What do you want with a web cam or cell phone and where does the web file come from? I don't understand it - can be due to age!