How do I keep Roblox from closing all the time?


I have a little problem there. I'm playing Roblox on a laptop and it closed immediately after I tried to open it. I've uninstalled and reinstalled it, but unfortunately it didn't help. I have already tried to log in again, but when I press Login it closes again. Maybe you have felt the same way before or you may know what to do. I would be very happy to receive a helpful answer.


Ah, if you also have problems with the Roblox app available in Microsoft Store, I would like to recommend that you download the exe file from Roblox. So it's Roblox player. So summarized here:

Go to and log in there.
Then choose a Rblx game you want to play.
Then comes the Roblox Player Installer
So ready to install you don't need an administrator's license:-)
Have fun!


Thank you 😊

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