Expanding laptop RAM from 8 to 16GB or 24GB?


Unfortunately, my laptop only has 8GB of RAM, which is just enough. My mainboard has two chipsets which means that one is still free and I could expand it without any problems. I just wonder if you could use any module or do you have to pay attention to something? And there are 8gb RAM modules and 16g RAM modules. Could I just combine an 8gb module with a 16gb module? Or is only 8 + 8 possible? Sry doesn't know me at all, I just want to have more RAM and I should be able to insert a module myself as an unsuspecting person.


You mean 2 slots. You can't just add an unlimited amount of ram. Inquire about the maximum amount of RAM the mainboard can manage.


How and where can i do this? Does this work with any programs or do I have to pick the part apart so I can see it?


You can't see that, but e.g. Read the instructions or look at the manufacturer.


It will be best to first read out what kind of module is currently installed. This is quite easy with https://www.cpuid.com/softwares/cpu-z.html. If you have installed 1x8GB you should install the same module again (in terms of clock and timing).

A 16GB module would probably also work (if the box can do that), but then part of the memory runs again in the single channel, which is also not the point of the exercise.


I've tried it with the CPU-Z app, but I don't understand where I can see how much RAM my computer can take. So I checked out a couple of tutorials on certain forums that might explain that, and I came across it here.


Can I also use this method to calculate the maximum RAM capacity of my laptop or is it just some fake? According to the site, my laptop would then use up to 32GB of RAM.

If this is the case, can I also remove my old 8GB RAM module and insert 2x16GB RAM modules? So that I get to 32? I know it will be too much, but I don't think 16GB RAM is that much either.


What kind of device do you have and what do you use it for? I think that would simplify the whole thing ^^