Upgrade to 24gb RAM or only 16gb?

- in HP

I would like to upgrade my HP notebook. Since I need it a lot for image editing in Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom, it sometimes comes up against the limits of 8GB.

I have now occupied a slot with 8GB and one is still free. Does that work if I make 16GB in there and keep the other 8GB or is it more useful to have 2x8 GB?

Because somehow I've never seen a laptop with 24gb, that makes me a bit stuzig…


16 enough, even for 4K


16 is enough


I would be for 2x8 GB. Preferably the same RAM model for smooth dual-channel operation. This means that both bars can be accessed in parallel, increasing data throughput.


16 is enough, but the dual channel would be better 2x8