Laptop display after which name do I have to look?


My laptop died today, well, actually only the display. After 4.5 years, he has fallen down from my bed for the first time today, unfortunately so unfavorable that I have colorful stripes in the display.

I have carefully removed the display from the laptop (because of the connector), and looked up the name I know the laptop displays are not so expensive (~ 50-80 euro).

And I do not get a new laptop for that. That's why I want to exchange this. From experience, I dare to do this and I have the necessary tools.

The display reads: LP156WH3 (TL) (S1) then again LP156WH3-TLS1-P5. It is a display from LG

When I enter on Amazon LP156WH3 I also get a display for just under 55 euro, however, this designation is LP156WH3-TPS2. I think this TPS2 or TLS1 is any revision number.

Does anyone know if I can install TLS1 also a TPS2 display in my laptop. Or should I play it safe and buy one that carries the name TLS1 at the end?


Sometimes it's just shiny or dull or a revision, but I'd be careful. Under the following link you will find all variants of LP156WH3. Your two models are next to each other, you have to compare the technical data.


I've just flown over the technical data, I mean, you can't swap (plug types differently, other signals))