What are the backers of this?


I have depression and my reward system is broken because of ADHD. I'm in treatment

Apart from this.

I work 8 hours and rides are 1 hour then I sleep 8 hours.

Stay at home for 6 or 5 hours.

In these hours I do not want to do anything.

Just in front of the laptop. Rest to work 8 hours again.

In these 6 or 5 hours I can't clean up my room.

It is very stressful for me.

Only when it is on the weekends

How can some people create a lot in these 6 hours then go to work?


Since you have depression, you can't compare yourself to other people.

Depressed people are now low on driving and anything but enterprising. But you could at least handle it so that you once a week very firmly einplanst, on the day and the room cleaning is announced.

Do not let it go too much, that will not do you any good; otherwise you would not write about it here. It seems that you have a bad conscience.

My son also had depressions for a while and hung almost in front of the computer. He then set up a plan of his own accord:

Mondays: wash your hair, put your laundry away

Tuesdays: vacuuming, etc.

I do not want to go into details now, because that's nobody's business, but he's kind of educated himself not to let everything go.

You can do it that way, I do that sometimes, when I have absolutely no desire for my housework, you then reward yourself.

For example, I clean up the dishwasher and the dryer, and as a reward, I make myself a nice milk coffee and eat something delicious. Therefore, even if I'm not bossy today, I will force myself to leave the computer and finally start.


I invest daily about 1 hour in the household / purchasing / errands and go everywhere quickly. If you clean up just a few minutes a day in your room, there's never much going on and you're always done quickly. Tidy room = tidy head


Does not everything have to be done in one day?


I was not exactly on the computer for exactly 40 minutes. The kitchen has been cleaned up, laundry has been put together and the paper waste is out in the bin and I have shipped my things from the Amazon savings subscription to the cabinets. I mean, you just have to jerk and once you've started, it works.

It is not the work we do that makes us tired and tired, but the unfinished work that we push ahead. And the longer you do that, the worse it gets. If you clear up every day a bit, then a basic cleaning is only a matter of 1 hour.


Of the 5-6 hrs you have left, you could clean up for 1/2 hr each day. No more. 30 minutes in the garden, sometimes kitchen. Leave the rest, come tomorrow.

After 4 weeks you increase by 10 minutes, make 40 minutes, first on trial.

Never more than that; less if it gets too much. This is my proven system. The things that are hard for me.

Do not do because the mountain is too high, destroys the self-confidence. Small, smallest hill, and you can be satisfied again and have something to increase.

It keeps getting better and you have enough time to relax.

To attempt?


No. There's your mistake: All at once never something.