Why do laptops have fewer and fewer connections?


Why do laptops have fewer and fewer connections with each new generation? Who goes to the computer companies and tells them: "I want fewer and fewer connections so that I can only use my laptop with expensive adapters."?! The companies listen to feedback. How do they figure that people want extra little connections? I had to search for a long time until I found a suitable number of interfaces on a device.


Because Apple is leading the way and many (unfortunately) jump after the bad example.


Cost, design, more space inside

Above all, think about cost and design → thinner notebooks


The user is to blame because he wants to have ever thinner notebooks.


What does a thin notebook do for me if I have to carry thick and bulky adapters with me?


Much of it is no longer needed.

If you are not at school, there's no VGA. You don't need USB sticks anymore. LAN sockets on laptops are usually not necessary.

HDMI / DP and 2 USB A connections are sufficient. A USB C would also be important today.


There's no such thing as "the user"


I have no objection to connections being adapted and standardized. The manufacturers just do it a little too quickly.


Because the bulk USB / Thunderbolt is enough