What can you do about dark spots on the laptop?


The laptop has had dark spots and brighter areas across the monitor for a few days. It is so bad to work with. How can you fix this? The laptop was not expensive, it had some water damage some time ago and the plastic parts with which the monitor is held are broken or broken you can't close it. What needs to be repaired first and how expensive is the whole thing? What about the spots on the monitor? Thank's for the Tipps.


Wsl it happened through the water damage and damaged the monitor or something xD and it is different depending on the business with the repairs. Call once and then think after ib it would not be better to buy a brand new one, e.g. If the model is older or something 👍🏻

I'm not a professional either, but I think these are good ideas


Let it beat "life" in it!