Laptop for 650 euro with which you can play Overwatch?


I'm looking for my girlfriend a laptop of maximum 650 who does not cost 700 euro she wants to play with the laptop mainly Overwatch.Hättet what for you?


Probably way too much for your budget, BUT:

It is a RTX 2060 installed! The CPU would have to buy what you then land at about 820 euro, but then your girlfriend would probably have a very long rest.


Unfortunately it can't block the CPU


As mentioned in your 500 Euro question, this device is perfectly adequate for Overwatch:

According to information times 750 euro cost, but is currently available for 555 euro, which is a very good price-performance ratio.


I bought mine 3 years ago from a green IT company somewhere in Essen when I came through. A social institution that reopens the used.

the little one has cost me 130 euro. But it is not that there's a choice as in Media Markt. That's what's there. I have not regretted the quick decision. Well, the battery has been flattened after 2 years, but he runs without synonymous.


It's hard to find a laptop that has a real graphics card and built-in CPU. HardwareRat sells the laptops without a CPU, not because he wants to fool the customer, but because they are thus much cheaper. A laptop with a RTX 2060 you can't find under 900 euro with built-in CPU.


Yes, the ThinkPad, something with the Series T530 has to watch that he owns an I5 processor, price range is between 300-600 Oberwatch with mediocre settings should run. Such a laptop for almost 200 euro has usually ne performance compared to other laptops at almost 400 euro.