Arduino or Raspberry Pi for sensors?


I want to measure temperature and humidity daily with an Arduino or a Raspberry Pi. But an Arduino or a Rasperry Pi is more suitable for this. There are supposed to be sensors and the price should also be as low as possible. Can you do that with a battery? I then want to upload the data to my laptop and create a diagram from it, so computing power doesn't take much.


I have neither one nor the other. You will hardly find anyone who knows both of them very well. But I know controllers. In both, controllers are described with a high level language. The boards are certainly equipped differently, which shows the strengths and weaknesses of the two systems.

I can tell you that both PWM, AD and the 2-wire protocol are supported. So you have to decide which system suits you better.


Simply because of the much lower power consumption, I would rely on an Arduino or an ESP for this application.

The ESP is also available for a little money with built-in Wi-Fi, but in my experience you won't be very happy with battery operation. The parts like to pull 200 mA at short notice.
With Deep Sleep, the power consumption can be pushed very far, but I haven't even got anywhere near months of operation with a button cell.

Have you already considered how you want to transfer the data to the computer? Serial? How about a web hosted database like Thingsboard?


I don't care, the main thing is that it doesn't draw a lot of electricity.