Introduce prezi?


Have my presentation exam in geography next Monday and a presentation with Prezi created. Today, however, I have learned that we will not have an Internet connection, which would not be a problem, because I can download the presentation with the premium program of prezi yes for offline use. When I did this today, I noticed that explicitly asked before downloading if you want to present on windows or mac. However, the school laptops have neither of them but a self-coded operating system from one of the teachers. Therefore, I can probably assume that the presentation will not run on it.

My alternatives would be either to create a powerpoint, show my prezi as a pdf (does not look great) or bring a laptop from home, which I do not really want to do, because then I have the risk that something with the connections not is working.

Do you have any other idea how to present my preziention?


Aja A Self-Coded Operating System () Runs by a Teacher () on the PowerPoint () but Can't Do Internet Browser () for Prezi and Has No Internet () …


Each () stands for either Impossible / Unlikely


For safety's sake I would create a Powerpoint and still try it with Prezi, because if the school computers do not have a fat fat apple, it will probably be Windows. The self-encrypted will be a server and not an operating system.

But with Powerpoint as a backup, you should be on the safe side. Or you try it out first in a free period or in a break, if it runs on the school computers.

As a tip, next time ask directly what kinds of presentation are possible, so you do not have to do double work, since Prezi is known to be very expensive.


Well, we just do not have internet during the exam

On friday we can try it on the schullaptop and if you think it should work that would be great.


Why no internet? Do you generally have no or only for the exam?

Otherwise create a powerpoint to be sure.

What I would do would be my own labtop. All ports are standard, as soon as your Labtop has VGA and HDMI it can be connected to 99% of all devices.


On the whole day we have none for fraud attempts and so


Haha who do not seriously believe that should bring what?


Prezi did not go, it has to impress now