How do I formulate the following problem appropriately and precisely in a question?


In fact, I regularly get the crisis when I use the keyboard on our laptop.

The laptop has a keyboard including a touchpad. I've never experienced this with a PC keyboard, which is why I assume it must be due to the touchpad.

In fact: ALWAYS when I use our laptop by typing something with it, the following happens:

I answer a question on Girlfriend (this example stands for really every time I use the keyboard of this laptop) and while typing (and this always unnoticed) the whole thing suddenly jumps 1 or more lines higher and I type in the middle of mine previously written text.

I hope you know what I mean:

As an an example:

I would like to write the following sentence: My name is Pippi Longstocking and I have a motley horse.

Then I write the sentence using the laptop's keyboard. And while I'm typing and looking at the keyboard, the cursor suddenly jumps 1 line higher, so that I write in the middle of the text I have already typed, so that the sentence: 'My name is Pippi Longstocking and I have a motley horse', then it is wrong, namely (as an example) like this:

'My name is Pipbe, a motley horse, Longstocking and ha.'

I hate it. Because I NEVER get 1 line as it should be / I WANTed to write it and I HAVE written it (and that takes a lot of time to correct it PERMANENTLY).

Another problem is that when I press the space bar, which very often doesn't respond at all. And the result is that many words are written together, even though I pressed the space bar. Correcting these two problems is really annoying and time consuming.

Okay, I've described the two problems now. How can I put that into a question that I can post here on Girlfriend for help? That really annoys me. I've already made all sorts of adjustments in the keyboard settings, but NIX helps.

I would be grateful if someone could tell me how I can meaningfully pack both problems into one Girlfriend question.


1) How can I deactivate my touchpad?

2) How can I repair a non-functioning / badly functioning key on the keyboard?