Questionnaire for tax registration, small business?


I'm currently filling out the tax office questionnaire. Business was registered in April. Activity in the field of t-shirt business and ect. And I'm not sure about the following points: 3. Information on determining the advance payments -in the year of the opening of the business and commercial operation: I stated (-1000.00) because I still want to create a laptop. It is difficult to say whether I will still make a profit. Beginner… And stated in the following year (100.00) because it doesn't know if it will run. Is it okay that I fill out this way? Regarding the point: 7. Information on registration and payment of sales tax: In the year the company opened, I had 0.00 because I stated (-1000.00) in P.3. In the following year (19.00) (because 19% of 100.00 is 19.00) because I suspect that I will earn around 100.00 euro. Maybe not. Here's the question: is this calculation correct? Or, if the turnover is less than 17,500 euro, you don't have to pay sales tax? And also specify in the following year (0.00). Or do I get it all wrong? Point 7.5 tax exemption. "No" in my case? 7.6 Tax rate "No" because I'm a small business? Point 7.7 Average rate taxation: "No" here? Item 7.8 Target / actual taxation of the fees I calculate the sales tax according to "X" received fees. I hereby apply for actual taxation, because "X" the total sales for the year of establishment will probably not amount to more than EUR 500,000 (!). Is ticking the right one? Item 7.9 Sales tax identification number "X" I need a sales tax identification number to participate in intra-community trade in goods and services? I have no. Then need? Item 7.11 Special taxation procedure "Mini-one-stop-shop" In my case, "T-Shirt Design", should I just tick "X" I will check the relevant sales in Germany? Or let it teach? Item 7.12 Sales in the area of trading in goods over the Internet. Just tick line 179? And hand in the list as an attachment to the FA? When you have a lot of electronic marketplaces?

I don't know who will read the novel:-) If someone is so advanced on the question… I would be very happy if someone gets in touch.


Regarding sales tax: Either you are a small business owner (up to 22,000 euro in sales) and have been exempted from showing sales tax, or you have to show sales tax and settle it with the tax office.


Tax advisor is urgent. He is also liable for his work.


it's interesting.