Which ceiling speakers can you recommend?


Hi. In our clubhouse we're looking for good ceiling speakers. We have a room with a projector on the ceiling. And on one wall there's a roll-out canvas. Now we no longer want to play the sound via the projector (the sound is grotty) or always connect speakers from the laptop headphone output (picture and sound run via hdmi).

we already installed some at the time of the renovation (2011), but these were only dummies and the one who walks is as big as a spot of the ceiling spots and accordingly not the force.

can you recommend good brands for ceiling speakers? I found an offer on Bose speakers for 333 euro (4 pieces) on eBay classifieds. Bose is supposed to be good, but are there any cheap alternatives?

this is not supposed to be or become a cinema. But at least if you run a video on the projector that you don't have to cover your ears because the sound is so jarring…


How would spherical speakers be?




Oh God. I've never seen it like this.

funny. Well, let's see. The only problem then is that the holes in the existing loudspeakers would then remain visible in the suspended ceiling…


These built-in ceiling speakers mostly have a bad sound because they have no sound body, screw or glue a board over the hole in the same color as the ceiling, in the middle you then screw on the spherical speaker.

These spherical speakers have a good sound, they have been around forever, in the 70s they were really fashionable


OK thanks. What really? So I know the shape for lamps. But I've never seen them as loudspeakers.

and Conrad's are okay, yeah? Does it matter if the thread on which the speakers hang is very short? And the current ceiling speakers are pretty much in the four corners of the room (maybe 20… 30 cm away from the walls). Is the distance sufficient for the balls or should they possibly be in the middle of the room?!


These are attached to a pole, how high is the ceiling?


I guess around 4m


Then you can screw it to the ceiling with the rod, there's enough 50cm away from the wall. The cable runs through the pipe on which the balls hang from the ceiling that is 18 cm, and Conrad's are very good there.

You wrote something about suspended Decje, which is still 4 meters high?


So the current ceiling is from the floor to where the projector is hanging and the spots in the ceiling are about 4m high. The ceiling is also only maybe 15cm suspended. So the old ceiling, then we made about 15cm of insulation under it and then plasterboard was attached to the profiles. If you can talk about hanging there.


Ok, then it makes no difference whether speakers are built into the ceiling and hang on an 18 cm rod, Conrad's have a 2-way system which makes the sound significantly better, simple ceiling speakers often only have broadband speakers and often a bad one due to the missing sound body sound


ELA 100 volts or low-resistance?

Mixing amplifier until the amplifier's load capacity is reached

Ceiling or surface speakers from various manufacturers such as Monacor or Phönix PA

Taps via IstY cable for screw terminals with 5, 10, 20 watts etc & loop through


High impedance then 8 or 16 ohms.


Qutasch. Low resistance then 8 or 16 ohms, 100 V Ela then high resistance


Why choose ELA technology in a small room? ELA loudspeakers are not even installed in the foyer of my cinema, as an 8-channel PA amplifier supplies over 4mm² with cable lengths over 50m.


No idea why the other two want to go with ELA technology…

I would not demonize ceiling speakers unless I know what the suspended ceiling really looks like. If it is well built, you can also install Magnat IC62 there.

The question is whether the sound makes sense at all. What sources are you playing? Stereo? If stereo, then a loudspeaker next to the screen would be much better for the sound impression than playing the same thing several times over loudspeakers in the room.

I would simply hang up 2 bookshelf speakers next to the screen (if necessary due to the size of the room 2x IC 62 in the back of the room in the ceiling) and use a cheap AV receiver.


Thank you. So the wall where the screen hangs in the top corner has the speakers on the left and right of it in the ceiling. And the same thing again against the canvas on the ceiling.


Well, cinema is different too.


I was not interested in the cinema, but in the foyer, where ELA technology is normally used. ELA is interesting for department stores, but not for a club house with 4 speakers.