German school system garbage?


I already apologize for grammar and spelling mistakes, but I'm in a hurry.

Well, I don't think much of the German school system. Every day I come home with 5 tons of leaves that I can't use in the next class. About 60% of what you learn is neither useful later nor now. The lessons are boring and uninteresting, I never felt like getting up and sitting there on any regular school day. The teachers demand maximum performance from you even in the last blocks. I don't even want to start homework, well if you have to finish something after school, that's understandable, but extra tasks have never helped me. In other countries, the students get a laptop with unlimited mobile data and that's all they need for the year need, of course, from time to time they have to do analog but mainly digital. In Germany I carry my school books with which are just abnormally annoying, in other words, haven't I forgotten any, they are heavy as hell and most of them are older than my grandma.

I would like to know your opinion about it


I have to say you more or less opened my eyes.


Well then, I'm pleased.


The thing is, even if you don't need a lot of the knowledge from school in your later job, it still helps you. Knowledge is power. Much of what you learn in school allows you to understand the world better, our coexistence, and look beyond your own nose. Only in school do you have the unique opportunity to acquire such a spectrum of knowledge and to build up a sound general knowledge, which will certainly help you later. The school also enables you to take up any profession you want, as you have built up a sound basic knowledge through the school and you can do whatever you want after school.


The German school system may have its shortcomings, but it gives every hard-working student a chance. I know other educational systems because as a teenager I went to foreign schools; very few are better. Since you are likely to be of foreign origin, you may also be familiar with a foreign education system. If you are trained so wrongly here, maybe there's a possibility for you to attend a school in another country?


That is an interesting topic.

My opinion is this:

I fully agree that there are many things that you don't need afterwards… E.g. Did I have to learn or do something in art in 9th grade that I can't remember now, after a good 10 years. I never needed or forgotten that. Of course, it must be said that this is about general education schools. But in my opinion you could redefine the term or break away from it a bit. E.g. Would I have rather built a bird house or learned how to plaster a wall. I'm not a craftsman professionally, but for private use such knowledge is more useful to me than with which technique I paint… I would also have preferred to build a bird house than sing a song and learn better to cook… You should just be more individual here Make offers to the students, but in the end they probably run out of money
When it comes to digitization, I also believe that Germany should take an example from other countries…
I also believe that schools need a new look. In my opinion, the USA is going a better way. School teams with mascots, e.g. Give in football. School should be a place to live, not just a place to study. When I graduated from secondary school, I went to school at 7:00 am, had classes and I was home at 3:00 pm… The school wasn't good for anything else… That's wrong.


So it is difficult for you to master the language and the course content.

the old saying that one learns for life - nobody explained to you.

you can only have good lessons with interested students.

You only need textbooks for the day's subjects.

we will experience the disadvantages of only digital learning in 7 years.

the handling of the content is not to be vilified!


I'm German but have friends from other countries who have told me that.