Since last night I have been importing 13000 pictures from an external hard drive to my laptop, and it has been standing for hours 99% have been copied, what now?


Since last night I have been importing 13000 pictures from an external hard drive to my laptop, and it has been standing for hours 99% have been copied, what now?


No stress. 99% means that he is now going to troubleshoot and see if something went wrong. With 13000 images it may take a while, depending on the hard drive or computer. Give your computer 2 more hours. If it is still there, restart it and try again 😊


111 of 13468 elements are still missing, 1 day remaining!


Don't panic 😊 Give your computer the time. A question on the side, how old is your computer, or what values does it have? So RAM, processor and hard drive


Acer Aspire E17 E5 774 31HX 8GB DDR4 1000 GB HDD


Hmm… Then give him the time. It is actually a good laptop, but since the operation is purely data-technical in this case, it is very hard drive-heavy. It may take a while due to the HDD. Give him the time 😊😊


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