Why is my external hard drive no longer recognized or no longer starting?


I'm using an external hard drive from Toshiba. Every day.

At once she is no longer recognized. Why? All other hard drives or USB sticks are detected. My external hard drive is not anymore.

It also does not start anymore, you can't hear anything and the light does not shine anymore.

The day before, I connected it to an older PC. She did not go then either. Actually, I thought that's because of this old PC. My external hard drive just is not recognized. But when I got back to my laptop, she did not leave.

Why? Did I break your hard drive on the old PC?

How can I save the data on it?

I removed the plastic case from my external hard drive. See pictures.

The corresponding cable, see also in the picture. I had already replaced. It still works. Only the external hard drive is not.


Why is my external hard drive no longer recognized or no longer starting Why is my external hard drive no longer recognized or no longer starting - 1

I would bring the hard drive to a specialist, because that can have many reasons. Kaputter recorder, broken drive, broken data disc… In the first two you can save all the data, but before you do that you should plug the hard drive to another PC and see if it still works there.


Here are several possibilities into consideration. In the best case, an overvoltage damage. What is more common in 2.5 "plates is a so-called head-piece… Ie the reading heads" stick "to the magnetic discs, which is why the motor does not have enough power to turn it in. Older Toshiba plates also often had to deal with bearing damage. But your record does not count, but if the data is really important you can contact me.


How can I fix the errors? Can you help me?


You yourself vmtl. Yeah, that's not a DIY case… I'll help you → check your messages.


My insider tip: put the plate in the freezer for one hour.

And: Do not plug it in again until you have enough data recovery space (like a new record). Because even if you can read them again, no one knows how long it will stay like this. Copy everything as fast as possible. You can sort out later.


Could you help me enevtuell too? After I have my hard drive (Toshiba, 1TB) connected to my phone and connect back to the laptop, my files are not displayed. They are very important to me and I had a lot of it.