How do you like my concept of self-employment?


I usually want to work on the go. I want to start my own business on the Internet. I can also imagine collaborations with other self-employed people. Above all, I want to come to my meetings by bike in an environmentally friendly way. Therefore, in addition to positive support, I'm looking for suggestions for a location. I would prefer the Dutch coastal region, but I'm open to suggestions. I only need my laptop for my work. What do you think?


And what do you want to start your own business with?
WHAT is your concept?


Please suggest the word "concept" again in the dictionary.

This is nothing more than happy wishful thinking.

A concept includes a clear understanding of your own service / products, calculation, target groups of the acquisition, budget and marketing measures etc.


What you were thinking about in your explanations is probably the least important thing about the whole project independence; especially when you only need a laptop to do the mysterious self-employment…


But I also need my bike.


Send wish list to Santa Claus…

Sorry, but what kind of advice do you expect with a "concept" that only includes a laptop, bike and a good dose of megalomania and / or naivety?


I'm not that stupid and I'm writing this down here. Otherwise someone else steals my idea.


Then nobody can tell you whether your ideas work that way. Nevertheless, I notice a few things: if you want to bike to meetings, you can only find your customers in a very small geographical area. Working on the go on the Internet: Have fun with poor network coverage… Well, everything sounds very half-baked. The last thing you should think about is the environmental aspect. First of all you have to clarify the economic conditions, earning potential, prices, infrastructure, market demand etc.


How can I find that? I also ask myself:

Laptop and bicycle as tools of the company, but with real meetings with other companies? And that should create a financially independent company?

Why is there Skype in the laptop? Why a bike for meetings? Time costs too much money if it can't be sold as working time! Team meetings for ideas and contracts usually drag on, they have to be as cheap as possible, otherwise they become waiting vultures that circle over the mini-company without interruption!

That sounds like a concept on a PC that as a company doesn't know what a PC is.