IT support suitable certificate?

- in HP

A question and I get an education voucher from the employment office for a certificate that should help me to find a job in the support area more quickly.

I'm not very familiar with all of these different certificates. I have gained experience with small network closets, patching network hardware, VOIP telephones, routers, printers from HP and Brother, fax machines, repairing laptops and mini PCs, Windows 10 support.

Now my question. I looked at many vacancies where different employers wrote something else in addition to what I had learned.

Such as. Cloud computing, VMw, backup systems, Azure, Active Directory, server administration are also general.

The employment office pays me a maximum of 2 certificates. Apparently my employment advisor is that nice.

Which 2 IT certificates do you recommend of all that I have written down?


Cloud computing is interesting, but I would do 2 in a row. For example AWS Systems Operations or something similar from Azure.
Active Directory only makes sense if you want to get into Windows administration / user management. VM and backup is also a good combination. The question is always which certificates. There are also enough papers with which you can wipe your bones off. Which direction do you want to go?


Except what I've learned. I would like to do IT support with system administration together. Something like 1st and 2nd level IT system administration.

But then I need to know… Do I want azure or MCSA to work with MCSE.

Tomorrow I have a conversation with the GFN educational advisor regarding the 2 MS certificates. Microsoft Certified Azure Administrator and Microsoft 365 Certified Windows 10 Desktop Administrator.

I thought about doing these 2 one after the other in order to have more chances on the job market as an IT supporter and because I actually already like it. I would certainly have a lot of fun working in IT support with these 2 certificates.


So if you want to go away from Microsoft, then MCAA.

Desktop admin then seems rather inferior to me. Since I would take backup or VM and aim for 2nd level.

But that's a very personal opinion.


MCAA (Microsoft Certified Azure Administrator)?

What kind of certificate do you recommend to me besides the MCAA?


I already completed an IT certificate a week ago where I'm certified as a service provider on site with 1st and 2nd level and ITSM in addition.


What is there in the direction of azure backup or azure networking? That would be a useful addition.


After MCAA, Azure has the Azure Manager or Architect. The architect is thus increasingly the administrator and manager at the same time.

But after the Azure I can do the Azure DevOps. After MCAA, I thought about taking the VCTA VMware Certified Technical Associate to cover VMw and backup as well.


Azure architect would be a good fit. DevOps too.

I would not classify your other consideration as wrong. VMware also has a future there.


Well then… The employment office only pays 2 certificates. Which do you recommend to me ^^

Azure administrator and VMw certificates?


Or 2 from Azure.


Azure administrator and then azure DevOps?


I would at least give it some serious thought.


Ok… I've been an IT system electronics technician for a year. And for 4 months in IT support. Never dealt with Microsoft Server and Azure.

I look what many support jobs require. Cloud computing, backup systems, virtualization and Windows server knowledge. As a beginner, I can't have all of that at once.

That's why I first considered doing Microsoft Azure Administrator and doing something in the virtualization area so that I could meet a few requirements


Azure, like AWS etc, is a world of its own. But very much in demand at the moment. Everything is packed into the cloud, according to the motto the main thing away. In many cases it is no longer even considered whether it makes sense.


Guess what…

I get 3 certificates from the employment office paid for Microsoft Azure administrator

Microsoft Teams administrator

Linux Administrator LPIC 1

Everything fixed.


Well then, good luck and fun with it.

Sounds a bit like fruit salad 🙃 but cool when they pay for it.