SMS export with Nokia Suite, is that sorted too?


I still have a very old Nokia phone at home, from 2010 on, around 5000 messages I do not want to lose.

Normally, I do not know anything about this. Nevertheless, I have now managed to export the SMSn from the phone with Nokia Suite to my Windows laptop.

All messages have landed in a single excel file on the laptop, so far so good.

Now to my question: Can one also export that so that in individual files, are orderedly exported?

I mean, on the phone, I had one folder per person, and in that folder were just the SMSn that I had written with him / her. So nothing was mixed up. Now it's all mixed up in one file.

Is it possible to transmit that in a mixed way, or is that the same with the order as they were on the phone?

I thank you in advance for any helpful answer.


I think you actually have to do that yourself and make and sort the folders for yourself. And yes that will be annoying, but I know no other way.