Excel table no longer sorts / updates?


At work I created an Excel file in which I created a table.

New values are entered weekly in this file and sorted in descending order simply by size.

The specification as to how it should be sorted is selected, with the input field "Refresh" the table is then arranged according to the specifications.

It worked very well for a long time, but I have now got a new work laptop (same Excel edition as in the previous laptop).

I have inserted the Excel file on this, but now the previously used table no longer sorts as soon as I press "update".

I have not changed anything in the file, I created a table without formulas for the test, in which only pure numbers should be sorted, it also doesn't work there.

I have read a lot of help so far, paying attention to things like: automatic calculation, formatting errors.

Can't get any further though

I need advice as to why I can no longer automatically sort / update a table in Excel, thanks


Refreshing data is not synonymous with sorting.

I suspect your file has a macro that triggered the sorting.

Create a new macro, then it works again.


I tested it with a new file, there was created a new table in which there were only pure numbers without e.g. Formulas in it and it also didn't sort


Nothing sorts alone without an order.

Either you create an auto filter and have it sorted, or you create a macro.

I suspect that car filters would be the simpler variant at first.
